Community Survey – your chance to take part
COMMUNITY QUESTIONNAIRE – NEXT STAGES A great number of folk have taken the time to complete the Community Questionnaire. This has given a huge amount of information and ideas for the Community Action Plan. The next stage is to share the outputs with you and get your thoughts on what you think our priorities should […]

COMMUNITY SURVEY RESULTS ARE OUT! From the Stow Community Trust: we had a really good turnout last night to get sight of the results from our Community Consultation, thanks to all who came along! You can still come along and see the results and give us your views and ideas. Here are the times in […]

Community Action Plan – next steps
COMMUNITY QUESTIONNAIRE – NEXT STAGES Stow Community Trust and Community Council have said they have been delighted by the number of valley folk who have taken the time to complete the recent Community Questionnaire. The details gathered have given a huge amount of information and ideas for the forthcoming Community Action Plan. The next stage […]

Green Stow meet
GREEN STOW – the informal group which is concerned with the on-going climate emergency and with wider environmental issues – will be holding an informal meeting at The Cloudhouse Cafe on Sunday 7 August at 1.00pm. The group would like to look at posible activities for Stow and Fountainhall for The Great Big Green Week […]

SHAPING OUR FUTURE! Thanks to those who attended the public meeting in Stow on Thursday night last week when the SCT launched the Community Questionnaire. It was great to see how the questionnaire sparked enthusiastic conversations about the kind of activities and projects we could do to improve our community. Now it’s over to you […]

Help plan for the future!
REMINDER: HELP PLAN FOR THE FUTURE! How do you want the Gala Water valley to develop over the next few years? The Parish of Stow Community Council and Stow Community Trust are working together to develop a Community Action Plan, AND we need your help! Supported by Julie Nock and Pip Tabor of the Southern […]

HELP PLAN FOR THE FUTURE! How do you want the Gala Water valley to develop over the next few years? The Parish of Stow Community Council and Stow Community Trust are working together to develop a Community Action Plan, AND we need your help! Supported by Julie Nock and Pip Tabor of the Southern Upland […]

Community Shed next meeting
COMMUNITY SHED – NEXT STEPS After a positive first meeting to talk about the possibility of a Community Shed in Stow it seems that a number of folk are keen to take it forward. Ross Hall who co-ordinates Sheds across the Borders was at our recent meeting and gave us some really helpful information on […]

Men’s Shed meeting
INTERESTED IN HELPING TO SET UP AND GET INVOLVED IN A COMMUNITY SHED? Community Sheds – many of which have been sarted up as “Men’s Sheds” are really popular across the world, bringing people together to learn, develop and share skills and to get involved in local practical projects and enjoy each other’s company. Come […]

EVENT TODAY – STOW COP26 – LOCAL TO GLOBAL – Saturday 13 October. Stow Station House is looking fabulous for today’s Local to Global event. There are lots of stalls, activities, clothes and toy swaps lined up and maybe some of our star Disrupters from Stow Primary School! Come along between 12-4pm, you’ll be very […]
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