Join Green Stow!
Green Stow is a community group, not aligned to any political party, based in Stow and the Gala Water valley in the Scottish Borders, but welcoming members and supporters from everywhere! We are a hub for everyone who is interested in environmental projects in the valley and concerned about the impact and dangers of climate change.
Recent action has been taken by local volunteers, removing around 20 bin bags of litter from the roadsides around Stow and along parts of the Gala Water valley. We are looking at increasing the number of litter pickers, so please get in touch if you’d like to volunteer.
Other projects are being discussed, which will enhance and improve the natural beauty of our villages and valley. We’d be very glad to welcome new members.
If you’d like to know more about Green Stow, please contact us through this website. You can also check out our Facebook page for further information.
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